一方、to不定詞や動名詞を使うと、意味上の主語である「for +人+to不定詞」、「所有格(his, my, yourなど)+動名詞」を作ることになります。この形は慣れないうちは使いにくく、スピーキングにおいては言いづまりをしやすいです。
・that節 ⇔ to不定詞
We have decided that we will make a trip tomorrow.
= We have decided to make a trip tomorrow.
・that節 ⇔ 目的語+to不定詞
I expect that you will take a responsibility.
= I expect you to take a responsibility.
・that節 ⇔ 目的語+to be
I think that he is childish.
= I think him to be childish.
・目的語+that節 ⇔ 目的語+to不定詞
I persuaded him that he should join the tennis club.
= I persuaded him to join the tennis club.
・It is+形容詞+that ⇔ It is+形容詞+for +人+to do
It is necessary that he should get ahead in life.
= It is necessary for him to get ahead in life.
・It seems that ⇔ seem to do
It seems that he was sleeping.
= He seems to have been sleeping.
・that節 ⇔ 動名詞
He denied that he knew anything.
= He denied knowing anything.
・that節 ⇔ 前置詞+動名詞
He insisted that he didn’t know anything.
= He insisted on not knowing anything.
・名詞+同格のthat節 ⇔ 名詞+of+動名詞
There is a low possibility that he will pass the exam.
= There is a low possibility of his (= him) passing the exam.
・that節、疑問詞 ⇔ 前置詞+抽象名詞
She belives that I am innocent.
= She believes in my innocence.
Do you know when the train will arrive?
= Do you know the time of the train’s arrival?
・that節 ⇔ 目的語+(to be)+補語
I found that he was guilty.
= I found him (to be) guilty.
・疑問詞節 ⇔ 疑問詞+to不定詞
I don’t know what I should say.
= I don’t know what to say.
・関係詞 ⇔ to不定詞
We still have a lot of things (which, that) we have to consider.
= We still have a lot of things to consider.
・関係詞 ⇔ 分詞
The guy who is smoking over there is Bill.
= The guy smoking over there is Bill.
・関係詞 ⇔ 前置詞+動名詞
Tell me the reason (why, that) you were late.
= Tell me the reason for your (= you) being late.
・関係詞 ⇔ 前置詞
The car which carries a lot of money is heading toward the bank.
= The car with a lot of money is heading toward the bank.