経済理論 | economic theory |
経済体制 | economic system |
自由経済 | free economy |
経済の自由化 | economic deregulation |
統制経済 | controlled economy |
マクロ経済 | macroeconomy |
ミクロ経済 | microeconomy |
負の経済 | diseconomics |
インフラ | infrastructure |
経済動向 | economic performance |
過熱経済 | overheated economy |
アングラ・マネー | black money |
規模の経済 | economy of scale |
経済政策 | economic policy |
経済成長 | economic growth |
高度成長 | high growth |
インフレ経済 | inflationary economy |
デフレスパイラル | deflationary spiral |
持続的成長 | sustaining growth |
経済のひずみ | economic maladjustment |
バブル経済 | bubble economy |
経済危機 | economic crisis |
世界経済 | the world economy |
実体経済 | real-life economy |
国内総生産 | gross domestic product / GDP |
国民総生産 | gross national product / GNP |
国民総所得 | gross national income / GNI |
経済大国 | economic power |
自立経済 | independent economy |
国際収支 | balance of payments |
経常収支 | current account balance of payments |
景気動向 | economic trend |
景気見通し | economic outlook |
景気変動 | economic fluctuation |
景気対策 | stimulative / pump-priming measures |
景気刺激策 | economic stimulus package |
好景気 | boom |
景気の回復 | economic recovery |
不況 | recession / depression |
景気後退 | slump / stagnation |
景気不況 | cyclical recession |
恐慌 | depression / economic panic |
景気の横ばい | economic leveling |
需供ギャップ | supply-demand gap |
2桁インフレ | two-digit inflation |
デマンドプルインフレ | demand-pull inflation |
需要操作 | demand management |
消費者マインド | consumer confidence |
景気の谷間 | economic trough |
景気の下降 | decline of the economy |
景気の冷却 | cooling of the economy |