
for example e.g.
note well NB
that is (つまり) i.e.
西暦 AD
西暦紀元前 BC
science fiction sci-fi
European Union EU
identity document ID
as soon as pobbisle asap
advertisement ad
エイズ AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndroe)
ナトー NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
value-added tax VAT
unidentified flying object UFO
Alcoholics Anonymous (アルコール中毒者更生会) AA
personal computer PC
5 million 5M
reply please (ご返事ください)ライティングで使用 RSVP (repondez s’il vous plait)
please turn over (裏面に続く) PTO
frequently asked question FAQ


for your information FYI
away from keyboard (離席中) AFK
laughing out loud LOL
by the way BTW
are R
see C
you U
easy EZ
for 4
to, too, two 2
see you C U
are you R U
definitely defo (口語)
rent is $300 per calender month excluding payment for gas, electricity, etc. $300 pcm excl
rent is $50 per week including gas, electricity, etc. $50 pw inc
fully furnished (家具が一通りそろってある) f/f
self-contained (住居が1つ1つ独立している) s/c
central heating ch




  1. 1.英会話上達に必要な10個キーワード
  2. 2.日本人にとって最も効果的な​7ステップ英語学習法
  3. 3.英語学習においてこれだけはやってはいけない誤った思考

