
財政計画 fiscal planning
財政運営 fiscal management
財政政策 fiscal policy
財政危機 fiscal crisis
財政赤字 fiscal deficit
財政再建 fiscal reconstruction
郵政民営化 postal privatization
三位一体改革 the trinity reform
財政規模 fiscal scale
財政資金 government funds
財政支出 fiscal / government spendings
国家予算 government budget
予算案 budget draft
会計年度 fiscal year
補正予算 supplementary budget
継続予算 rolling budget
国庫 the national treasury /coffers
歳入 revenue
歳出 expenditure
国債 government bonds


長期国債 long-term government bonds
国債入札 tendering / bidding for bonds
地方債 local bonds
直接税 direct tax
間接税 indirect tax
消費税 consumption tax
地価税 land price tax
地方交付税 local allocation taxes
路線価 roadside land prices
環境税 environmental tax
関税 customs duties / tariff
区民税 ward tax
軽自動車税 light vehicle tax
源泉所得税 income tax withheld at source
公害税 pollution tax
国税 national tax
個人所得税 individual income tax
固定資産税 prefectual fixed assets tax
事業税 enterprise tax
市町村税 municipal tax


住民税 local inhabitant tax
相続税 inheritance tax
地価税 land value tax
地方税 local tax
通行税 travel tax
都税 Tokyo Prefectural tax
土地保有税 land ownership tax
不動産税 real estate tax / property tax
法人税 corporation tax
税制改革 tax reform
二重課税 double taxation
キャピタルゲイン課税 tax on capital gains
累進課税 progressive taxation
非課税 tax free
非課税所得 nontaxable income
納税 tax payment
納税義務 tax obligation
納税者 tax payer
増税 tax hike / increase
減税 tax cuts / decrease


税率 tax rates
実効税率 effective tax rates
税務署 tax office
源泉徴収 tax withholding
確定申告 final tax return
扶養控除 deduction for dependents
医療費控除 deduction for medical expenses
所得控除 income tax deductions and allowances
税の滞納分 tax arrears
税の滞納者 tax delinquent
脱税 tax evasion
節税 tax savings / avoidance
青色申告 blue tax return
税引き前 before tax
年末調整 year-end tax adjustment




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  2. 2.日本人にとって最も効果的な​7ステップ英語学習法
  3. 3.英語学習においてこれだけはやってはいけない誤った思考

